Course curriculum
Course description and schedule
Structure of the course and requirements for credit
Where to find the texts
A note on recordings of seminars
Zoom link for discussions
Preliminary Material
Philosophy of physics: a prelude
Podcast: Understanding string theory by James Ladyman
Three measurement problems by Tim Maudlin
Ten misconceptions about mathematics and its history by Michael J. Crowe
Philosophy cheat sheet
Week 1: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
Set text: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences by Eugene Wigner.
Reading guide: The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences
Set text: The Miracle of Applied Mathematics by Mark Colyvan
Reading guide: The Miracle of Applied Mathematics by Mark Colyvan
Suggested reading
Additional reading
Video: Interviews about the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics
Week 1: Session 1 recording
Week 1: Session 1 slides
Week 1: Session 2 recording
Week 1 feedback
Week 2: Popper and Kuhn
Set text: Part I.1 of The Logic of Scientific Discovery by Karl Popper
Reading guide: The Logic of Scientific Discovery
Set text: Part 1 of the Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn
Reading guide: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Part 1
Set text: Part 12 of the Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn
Suggested reading
Week 2: Session 1 recording
Week 2: Session 1 slides
Week 2: Session 2 recording
Week 2: Session 2 slides
Course feedback
Week 3: Lakatos
Set text: Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programs
Reading guide: Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programs
Set text: Section 2.2 of SEP article on Lakatos
Suggested reading
Week 3: Session 1 recording
Week 3: Session 2 recording
Week 4: The birth of the relational approach to quantum theory: from Bohr to Everett via Hermann.
Set text: The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Philosophy of Nature by Grete Hermann
Reading guide: The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Philosophy of Nature by Grete Hermann
Suggested reading
Additional reading
Course feedback
Week 4: Session 1 recording
Week 4: Session 2 recording
Week 4: Session 2 slides
Week 5: Time symmetry of physical theories
Set text: Time's Arrow and Archimedes' point by Huw Price
Reading guide: Time's Arrow and Archimedes' point by Huw Price
Week 5: session 1 recording
Week 5: Session 1 slides
Supplementary reading: Primer on kinetic theory by Madhusudan Raghunathan
Week 5: Session 2 recording
Week 5: Session 2 slides
Week 6: Time symmetry of the quantum measurement process
Set text: Time symmetry in the quantum process of measurement by Aharanov, Bergmann and Lebowitz
Reading guide: Time symmetry in the quantum process of measurement
Set text: The numerous and profoundly distinct layers that make up the notion of time by Carlo Rovelli
Reading guide: The numerous and profoundly distinct layers that make up the notion of time
Week 6: Session 1 recording
Week 6: Session 1 slides
Week 6: Session 2 slides
Week 6: session 2 recording
Week 7: Ontic Structural Realism
Set text: Structural Realism: The Best of Both Worlds? by John Worrall
Reading guide: Structural Realism: The Best of Both Worlds? by John Worrall
Week 7: session 1 recording
Week 7: Session 1 slides
Week 7: session 2 recording
Week 7: Session 2 slides
Week 8: Ontic Structural Realism and Everettian quantum mechanics
Set text: Everett and Structure by David Wallace
Reading guide: Everett and Structure by David Wallace
Documentary: Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives
Supplementary reading
Week 8: Session 1 recording
Week 8: Session 1 slides
Week 8: Session 2 recording
Week 9: Space-time relationism
Set text: Absolute and Relational Theories of Space and Motion (SEP article) by Nick Huggett and Carl Hoefer
Reading guide: Absolute and Relational Theories of Space and Motion (SEP article) by Nick Huggett and Carl Hoefer
Set text: The Hole Argument and Some Physical and Philosophical Implications by John Stachel
Reading guide: The Hole Argument and Some Physical and Philosophical Implications by John Stachel
Week 9: Session 1 and 2 slides
Week 9: Session 1 recording
Week 9: Session 2 recording
Week 10: Quantum gravity and relational space-time
Set text: Temporal Relationalism by Lee Smolin
Week 10: Session 1 recording
Week 10: Session 2 recording
Week 10: Session 2 slides