Course curriculum
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Welcome to QFT I
Welcome from your TA Juan
How to use this course
Course outline
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Reading guide
Lecture notes
Week 1: Introduction, classical field theory, and canonical quantization
Week 1 Guide
Natural units
Scattering of two fast, small objects
Natural units quiz
Why quantum field theory?
Classical field theory
Klein-Gordon theory
Noether's theorem
Canonical quantization
Classical complex scalar quiz
Vacuum state
Casimir effect
Heisenberg picture
Tutorial 1: Single-particle relativistic propagator and Casimir effect
Canonical quantization quiz
If you missed tutorial 1, submit here
Tutorial 1 Solutions
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Homework 1: Spin and statistics
Week 2: Cross sections and LSZ reduction formula
Week 2 guide
Trivial scattering
Cross sections
Decay rates
Phase space
Example: scalar Yukawa cross section
Cross section and form factor quiz
Tutorial 2: Complex Klein-Gordon theory, cross sections
Tutorial 2 solutions
Homework 2: Muon decay
Overview: Computing matrix elements
LSZ reduction formula
Examining LSZ assumptions
LSZ and interaction picture quiz
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Week 3: Dyson's formula, Wick's theorem, propagators, and Feynman diagrams
Week 3 Guide
Interaction picture
Dyson's formula
Wick's theorem
Wick's theorem quiz
Tutorial 3: LSZ and interaction picture
Tutorial 3 solutions
Feynman diagrams introduction
Feynman rules for the numerator
Vacuum diagrams
Feynman rules for Green's functions
Feynman diagrams quiz
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Week 4: Momentum space Feynman diagrams and renormalization
Week 4 Guide
Connected versus disconnected diagrams
Momentum conservation
Feynman rules for $$i\mathcal{M}$$
Example: using the Feynman rules
Feynman diagrams for $$i\mathcal{M}$$ quiz
Tutorial 4: Feynman diagrams
Tutorial 4 solutions - 3 (e) solution corrected (Thanks Hikari and others!)
Homework 3: Feynman diagrams
Introduction to renormalization
One point function
Computing the integral with Wick rotation and Pauli-Villars regularization
Propagator introduction
Kallen-Lehmann spectral representation
Propagator at next-to-leading order
Propagator at all orders
Renormalization quiz
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Week 5 Renormalization Group
Week 5 Guide
Renormalization group introduction
Euclidean $$\varphi^4$$ theory
Mass renormalization
Vertex renormalization
Running coupling
Future directions
Renormalization group quiz
Tutorial 5: Renormalization
Tutorial 5 solutions
Homework 4: Renormalization
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Interview Schedule
Interview Questions