Course curriculum
Welcome to the course!
Course Outline
Lecture Notes
Week 1
Week 1 Guide
Optional: Classical mechanics of non-relativistic particle
Optional: Quantization of non-relativistic particle
Imaginary time
Optional: Path integrals
Observables in the Schroedinger and Heisenberg pictures
Time ordering
Euclidean time
Optional: Klein Gordon theory
Optional: Euclidean Klein Gordon theory
Functional integral quantization
Optional: IR regularization
Optional: Canonical quantization vs functional integral quantization
Vacuum expectation value of an operator at finite temperature
Euclidean propagator
Integral kernels and Green's functions
Properties of the propagator
Typical field configurations
Real time propagator
Quiz 1: Path, functional, and Gaussian integrals
Tutorial 1: Correlation functions and saddle-point approximation
Tutorial 1 Solutions
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Week 2
Week 2 Guide
Generating functionals
Klein Gordon generating functional
Wick's theorem
Optional: $$\phi^4$$ theory
Correlation functions for $$\phi^4$$ theory
Optional: Feynman diagrams in $$\phi^4$$ theory
Perturbation theory introduction
Optional: Feynman rules for $$\phi^4$$ theory
Optional: 0 and 2 point functions at leading order
Optional: Momentum space Green's functions
Optional: 4 point function at leading order
Structure of perturbation theory
Generating functional for Green's functions
Generating functional for connected diagrams
Introduction to loop expansion and effective action
Topology of Feynman diagrams
Loop expansion = semiclassical expansion
Background field
Definition of effective action
Properties of effective action
One-loop effective action
Proof of one-loop result
Quiz 2: Integral kernels, perturbation theory, generating functionals
Tutorial 2: Generating functionals for connected and irreducible diagrams
Solution 2
Homework 1: Perturbation theory
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Week 3
Week 3 Guide
Quantum effective action recap
1-loop effective action recap
Expanding the Tr log
First terms in position and momentum space
UV divergences and effective action
Optional: Regularization intro
Optional: Mass renormalization intro
Fermionic functional integral introduction
Generators of Grassmann algebra
Elements of Grassmann algebra
Example of multiplication and conjugation for $$N=1$$
$$N>1$$ and $$\mathbb{Z}_2$$ grading
Gaussian integrals
Correlation functions
Dirac fields
Quiz 3: One-loop effective action and Berezin calculus
Tutorial 3: 1-loop effective action and Grassmann variables
Solution 3
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Week 4
Week 4 Guide
Introduction and recap
Fermionic functional integrals
Correlation functions
Wick's theorem
Grassmann conjugate of $$\Psi$$
Optional: Non-relativisitic fermions
Lie groups review quiz
Introduction to non-abelian gauge theory
Fundamental scalar with global $$SU(2)$$
Fundamental fermion
Vector fields
Gauge transformations and covariant derivatives
Infinitessimal gauge transformations
Intro and recap
Covariant derivatives and gauge tranformations recap
Field strength
Yang-Mills action
Expanding the Lagrangian
Feynman rules for pure Yang-Mills
Coupling to matter
Quiz 4: Fermionic functional integrals and non-abelian gauge theory
Tutorial 4: Fundamental scalars and zero modes
Solution 4
Homework 2: Large N limit
Homework 2 PDF
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Week 5
Week 5 Guide
Introduction to gauge fixing
Gauge fields recap
Functional integrals for gauge fields introduction
Examples of gauge fixing
Space of gauge field configurations
Optional: student questions
Physical configuration space
Gauge invariant measure introduction
Toy model for gauge fixing
Delta in group space
Gauge fixing in a functional integral
Introduction and recap
Inserting the identity
Gauge invariance and change of variables
Example of Faddeev Popov operator
Ghost action
Feynman rules
Corrections to the propagator
Quiz 5: Gauge fixing
Tutorial 5: Ghosts
Solution 5
Optional: Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism
Optional: Renormalization of non-abelian gauge theory
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Lie group resources
From quantum mechanics to Lie groups, Representation of groups, Important Lie group examples by Gang Xu
Structure constants, Adjoint Representation of Lie algebra by Gang Xu
Gang Xu's videos
Lecture notes for week 1 of Quantum Theory
Lecture 1.1 - Groups, Lie groups and representation theory from Quantum Theory
Lecture 1.3 - Lie algebras and Lie groups from Quantum Theory