Quantum Fields and Strings
Anomalies, conformal field theory, introduction to string theory.
Course Outline
CFT notes
Anomalies notes
String theory notes
Week 1 Guide
CFT notes
Additional references
Introduction to conformal field theory
Conformal transformations
Why CFT? - Asymptotic low energy QFT
Why CFT? - Massive QFTs as deformations
Dimensional analysis
Why CFT? - Ordering in space of QFTs
Why CFT? - Phase transitions
Why CFT? - Quantum gravity
Why CFT? - String theory
Lecture 1 blackboard screenshots
Kinematics introduction
Conformal transformations
Conformal algebra introduction
Conformal Killing vectors
Conformal algebra from Lie bracket
AdS/CFT symmetries
Discrete conformal transformations
Lecture 2 blackboard screenshots
Geometry of conformal symmetry
Stress-energy tensor
Local operators
Transformations of primary operators
Lecture 3 blackboard screenshots
Tutorial 1: Energy-momentum tensor
Solution 1
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Week 2 Guide
Position dependence of correlation functions
Quiz 2: One-point function
Two and three point functions
$$N\geq 4 $$ point functions
Cross ratios
4 point function
Operator product expansion (OPE) introduction
OPE for 3-point function
OPE for 4-point function
Radius of convergence and consistency conditions
Lecture 4 blackboard screenshots
Conformal bootstrap
Anomalies introduction
Conformal anomaly in D=2
Geometric view of anomalies
Lecture 5 blackboard screenshots
Tutorial 2: Correlation functions
Solution 2
Homework 1: Conformal invariance of Maxwell action and axial anomaly
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Week 3 Guide
Anomalies notes - several small corrections on March 17 (Thanks Shuwei!)
Introduction to anomalies
Chiral anomaly in 2D massless QED introduction
Classical massless QED
Quantizing the fermion
Functional integral derivation of chiral anomaly introduction
Functional integral measure and the chiral anomaly
Regularization and the anomaly
Tutorial 3: Chiral anomaly
Solution 3
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String theory notes
Week 4 guide
String perturbation theory
String tension and energy scales
Uniqueness of string theory
D-branes and open strings
D-branes and open strings
Lecture 1 blackboard screenshots
Nambu-Goto and Polyakov actions
Feynman diagrams as worldline integrals
Gauge fixing and complex structure
Space of complex structures
Weyl anomaly
Lecture 2 blackboard screenshots
Mode expansion and Fock space
Stress tensor
Stress Tensor
Virasoro algebra
Lecture 3 blackboard screenshots
Tutorial 4: Classical string
Solution 4
Homework 2: String spectrum and Virasoro algebra
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Week 5 Guide
Physical and null states
String spectrum
Lecture 4 blackboard screenshots
Compactification and T-duality
Lecture 10 blackboard screenshots
QED coupled to a proton
D-branes and strings
State space
Boundary conditions
Boundary conditions
Lecture 11 blackboard screenshots
Boundary conditions in CFT
Chan-Paton bundles
Boundary local operators
Boundary conditions for scalar fields
D-branes as string sources
Open string spectrum
Lecture 12 screenshots
Tutorial 5: T-duality and D-branes
Solution 5
Additional videos
Bonus Q&A with Davide: Thursday 8 April at 4pm Waterloo time
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