Course curriculum
Course content
Course details
Suggested reading
Supplementary reading
Non-technical quantum computing introductions
Week 0
Operational approach: notes for lecture 0.1
Lecture 0.1: Operational formulation of quantum theory (Introduction).
Operational approaches: notes for lecture 0.2
Lecture 0.2: Operational formulation of quantum theory I.
Operational approaches: notes for lecture 0.3
Lecture 0.3: Operational formulation of quantum theory II.
Tutorial: Density Operators, No-Cloning and Basic Protocols
Tutorial Zoom link
Tutorial submission (only if you did not attend)
Lecture 0.4 (optional): Operationalism versus realism and the measurement problem.
Operational approach: notes for lecture 0.4 (optional)
No cloning and superluminal signalling
Myths about no-cloning
Optional homework assignment
Tutorial 1: solutions
Week 1
Lecture 1: Introduction to quantum information and circuits
Lecture 1 Notes
Run your own circuit on a quantum computer
Graphical composer for quantum circuits
Exercise: Superdense coding
Additional exercise: uses of quantum teleportation
Lecture 2: Universal gate sets and measures of distance
Lecture 2 Notes
Tutorial 1: Quantum operations and circuits
Lecture 3: Computational Complexity
Lecture 3 Notes
Tutorial 1 submission (only if you did not attend)
Tutorial 1 solutions
Week 2
Lecture 4: Quantum complexity and the Deutsch Josza algorithm
Lecture 4 Notes
Deutsch-Josza Algorithm in the IBM circuit composer
Tutorial 2: Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm revisited and Euclid's algorithm
Lecture 5: Factoring, RSA cryptography and Shor's algorithm
Lecture 5 Notes
A simple example of RSA
Lecture 6: Shor's algorithm continued and the quantum Fourier transform
Lecture 6 Notes
Shor's algorithm in the IBM circuit composer (optional)
Survey on the IBM circuit composer
Homework 1
Tutorial 2 submission (only if you did not attend)
Tutorial 2 solutions
Week 3
Lecture 7: Grover's algorithm
Lecture 7 Notes
Grover's algorithm in the IBM circuit composer
Lecture 8: Quantum error correcting codes, 3-qubit and 9-qubit codes.
Lecture 8 Notes
Lecture 9: Stabilizer codes and the threshold theorem of fault-tolerant quantum computing.
Lecture 9 Notes
Tutorial 3: Quantum error correcting codes
Homework 2
Tutorial 3 solutions
Week 4
Lecture 10: Quantum key distribution
Lecture 10: Notes
Lecture 11: Quantum Shannon theory
Lecture 11 Notes
Lecture 12: Measures of entanglement and more
Lecture 12 Notes
Tutorial 4: Entanglement concentration and QKD
Tutorial 4 solutions
Bonus tutorial