Course curriculum
Welcome to the course!
A message from your QT instructor - Maïté
A message from your QT TA - Tomas
How to use this course
Course outline
Before we begin... K-W-(L) chart [Note: K is for Know, W is for Want, L is for Learnt]
Week 1 - Lie group, Lie algebras and representation theory
Welcome to the 1st week of this course!
Lecture notes for week 1
Tuesday - Lecture 1.1 - Groups, Lie groups and representation theory
Wednesday - Tutorial 1 - Some fun with discrete groups
Wednesday - submit your Tutorial 1 - Some fun with discrete groups
Thursday - Lecture 1.2 - Group representation theory and Quantum Theory
Friday - Lecture 1.3 - Lie algebras and Lie groups
Friday - Time to test your learning! - And this is part of HW1! (and you are allowed to take it several times if needed)
Friday - any questions? feedback?
Tutorial 1 - solutions (with the participation of Hikari and Neel for Pb 3.6!)
Week 2 - Canonical Quantization
Welcome to the 2nd week for the Quantum Theory course!
Lecture notes for week 2
Monday - Quiz 2.1 - What do you know about vector spaces and linear operators?
Monday - review on vector spaces and linear operators
Tuesday - Lecture 2.1 - From classical mechanics to Quantum Mechanics
Tuesday - Tutorial 2 - Harmonic Oscillator (first level) [+Optional problem on Poincaré group]
Tuesday - Submit your Tutorial 2 - Harmonic Oscillator (first level) [+Optional problem on Poincaré group]
Wednesday - Lecture 2.2 - Time evolution operator and time-evolution pictures
Thursday - Tutorial 3 - Pictures of time-evolution
Thursday - Submit your Tutorial 3 - Pictures of time-evolution
Thursday - Quiz 2.2 - Time to review what you learnt! (part of HW1)
Any question? Feedback?
Tutorial 2 - solutions
Tutorial 3 - solutions
Week 3 - Group representation in Quantum Theory
Welcome to the third week of the Quantum Theory course
Lecture notes for week 3
Monday - Lecture 3.1 - Coordinate and momentum representations for the free particle
Tuesday - Lecture 3.2 - The Heisenberg group and the free particle
Tuesday - Tutorial 4 - The holomorphic representation and more about the Heisenberg group
Tuesday - submit your Tutorial 4 - The holomorphic representation and more about the Heisenberg group
Wednesday - Lecture 3.3 - The Quantum Free particle as a representation of the Euclidean group
Thursday -Tutorial 5 - Concept map!
Friday - time to test your learning (HW1)!
Tutorial 4 - solutions
Tutorial 5 - solutions
Tutorial 5 - your concept maps from Padlet
Week 4 - Path Integral
Welcome to the 4th week of the Quantum Theory course!
Lecture notes for week 4
Monday (because I forgot last Friday!) - any question, feedback on Week 3?
Monday - Lecture 4.1 - The propagator as path integral
Tuesday - Tutorial 6 - Complex analysis and path integral
Tuesday - submit your tutorial 6 - Complex analysis and path integral
Wednesday - Lecture 4.2 - Semi-classical expansion and path integral
Thursday - Lecture 4.3 - Partition function
Thursday - Tutorial 7 - Path integral
Thursday - submit your tutorial 7 - Path integral
Friday - test what you've learnt! (HW1)
Tutorial 6 - solutions
Tutorial 7 - solutions
Week 5 - Perturbation theory in the Path Integral formalism
Welcome to the last week of the Quantum Theory course!
Lecture notes for week 5
Monday (because I forgot again last Friday!) - any question, feedback on week 4?
Monday - Lecture 5.1 - Perturbative expansion
Tuesday - Tutorial 8 - Interview practise and some perturbation theory in the path integral formalism.
Tuesday - submit your tutorial 8 - Perturbation theory in the path integral formalism
Tuesday - Lecture 5.2 - Correlation function and generating functional
Wednesday - it's time to test your learning! (HW1) - Note: questions on Week 4 and Week 5 content
Time to reflect... (K-W)-L chart [Note: K is for Know, W is for Want, L is for Learnt]
Tutorial 8 - solutions
HW1 - continuous assessment
HW2 - Everything about $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ - due date Sept. 23rd
Submit your HW2 here!
HW3 - Energy levels of the anharmonic oscillator - due date Oct. 9th
Submit your HW3 here!
Interview questions
References for lecture notes
Quantum Theory, Groups and Representations: an introduction, by Peter WOIT.
P. Dirac, On the Analogy between Classical and Quantum Mechanics (1945)
R. Feynman, Space-time approach to non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics (1948)
E. Wigner, The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in Natural Sciences (1960)
L Hardy, R. Spekkens, Why physics needs Quantum Foundations (2010)
M. Sotne, P. Goldbart, Mathematics for Physics